Go to bkglobal.mydirectmailportal.com to start creating postcards.

If you do not have an account yet, click the blue "Create an account" button to get started. If you already have an account, simply login with your credentials.

To download postcard data (Debtor name, address, etc.) login to BKGlistings.com.

Go to your "Listing Opportunities."

Search for an area. Then click the "Download" button in the upper top corner.

A CSV file will download to your computer for the first page. To download additional pages, click the following page number and choose "Download" again to download that data to your computer.

Go back to bkglobal.mydirectmailportal.com, login, or create a new account, and once you design your postcard, you will be able to upload the data you had downloaded in the previous step.

If you are a real estate agent or broker and have not yet completed the Bankruptcy Specialist Certification Course, click here to get started.